Meet Lola

Lola a British White. 

We picked her up from Bournouth when she was just 6 weeks old. So tiny. Today she is 12 and not much bigger but really cute.

She has settled in well and loves a cuddle.
She even has her own toy box. 
Watch her grow up with us.

I wanted to do something fun to get the art community together this year so came up with using our smallest exhibition space in Frome Somerset UK.

I’ll start posting peoples amazing heart tags from next week.

What I want more than anything is that each artist gives us a taste of their own art and not just red roses.

Welcome 2015

I have so much to look forward to in this new year. Having at last had a complete new knee three weeks ago I’m getting stronger every day, the exercises are hard but worth every groan. But I don’t want to linger on last year want to get started on new things.
The first thing is doing something different in our town, we have a few old public toilet blocks which are now closed and one in the centre has been turned into a mimi art gallery, pictures to follow.
Well I had the idea of getting creative people to decorate a tag for Valentines in their own style and I’ll put there business cards next to them. I think it is different enough to attract some business around the town of those people who work hard at home. The booths are tiny so a tiny exhibition will bring much cheer in the cold winter.
I have a few online shops which have been closed for a while so I may take up a larger spot than others and it is slow getting off of the ground so a lot because it’s different. WHATCH this space!!
Happy New Year to you all and hope the world finds peace.


Until I can get the hang of putting links on the side of my page I have put a list here.

Gilly Newell Artist on facebook

there are a few more but I’m sure it won’t be long before I have this page looking utterly brilliant 🙂


Tulip Crazy

Today I m doing a little Art/Craft table at a Vintage Fair, I also have produced new business cards with this site on but as not quite sure about how to do Widgets yet I’m going to have to give you links on this page for now.

None of these places have what I’m selling today because they are OOAK and can’t be seen in two places but they will be up for sale by Monday.

fb Gilly Newell Artist  

twitter artygilly 

Card making

I’ve been using up a lots of mono print backgrounds and turning them into art for mounting soon, but in the meantime I’ve printed some for cards.

There seems to be a bit go a Goth thing going on with this batch but I love them.